Revised Common Lectionary Bible Study:
What is the Lectionary?
The lectionary is a pre-selected collection of scriptural readings from the Bible that many Christian churches use for worship, study and to increase commonality and fellowship among Christian churches.
It is a powerful thing when the same Scriptures are being studied in Churches worldwide, for individual Bible Study and in the sermons.
Paraklete Press uses the Revised Common Lectionary for our main quarterly books, which follows the liturgical year in a 3-year cycle.

Why Is It Important To Study The Bible?
• To develop a closer personal relationship with the Lord.
• To learn about the people and events in the Bible.
• To understand why these events became part of the Holy Bible.
• To better understand the scripture readings and the sermon each Sunday.
• To apply the lessons learned from the Bible to one’s life.
• To personally experience the Holy Spirit working in our lives.
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Revised Common Lectionary Bible Studies from Paraklete Press
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